ニキズキッチン英語料理教室 ブログ


第六回 ロバート & ジャック & オスマンの facebook ライブ6月13日土曜日15:00から

Tomorrow recipe 3 guys 



For the Dough:

250gr flour

170cc of warm water

1 tea spoon salt

For Filing:

100gr. cheese

200gr. Ground beef/lamb/chicken

1 medium size onion, chopped

2 cloves of garlic, chopped

1⁄2 teaspoon salt

1⁄2 teaspoon black pepper


 Some butter as a optional !

4tablespoons olive oil, for sautéing the mince and wegetabes!

In a small bowl mix the flour and salt. Pour the warm water inside. Knead the dough until nice, elastic, and soft. Divide the dough to two equal balls. Meanwhile, sauté the garlic and onion until color changes lightly add the ground beef and sauté for 1-2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper turn the heat off and let it cool down.

Roll each dough very thin in oval, place the cheese and some of the ground beef mixture on t half of the thin dough Fold dough over to enclose filling. Press edges together to seal. .Preheat a frying pan on medium-high heat melt the butter in it , add the gozleme cook until one side is golden then turn over and cook another side until golden. When both sides cooked enough turn the heat of. Cut and serve it.