ニキズキッチン英語料理教室 ブログ



Dear students,

Thank you very much for all your hard work during this year, your help is always appreciated!
I had a very nice time and greatest moments with all of you! I hope we can continuing working together next year and teaching you the best Peruvian recipes!

I go to Peru this coming Monday 20th until January 9. But i promise I'll bring many more recipes for making together and much more energy.

I wish to seeing you all in my class during the next year and I wish you all the best: Good job, good health, happiness and lot of love!!

from my hearth,

Sofia, (your sense)

P.D. Please take a moment to see my card for you:

My First Forwarded Christmas Card...from my House to Yours.

クリスマスカードです クリックしてください ソフィア